This is our only blood. No one can touch it. Don’t let the royal blood break here.

NaLanLing was inexplicably targeted and didn’t get angry. The eyes were staring at the minister’s eyes. NaLanLuoHao’s eyes were full of murder. NaLanLuoHao couldn’t help shivering. A chill passed directly from the top of his head to the soles of his feet …
be done for
Father is angry.
I kept my father from telling him that my sister was pregnant … My father must be angry …
NaLanLuoHao instantly thought of the reason why he was targeted. He thought about the reason in his heart, but he was careless, very weak and tilted his head …
Retreat from the DPRK
NaLanLuoHao haven’t walked out of the door during all of a sudden, he got a punch and got dizzy. He threw himself forward and knocked his forehead on the door panel …
NaLanLing grabbed his neck from behind and pulled NaLanLuoHao to his face like a little lazy cat. NaLanLing’s eyes were cold. "NaLanLuoHao, do you want to die?"
Naranluohao smiled two times. "What did you say, father?"
Nalanling’s eyes were covered with frost, and her lips showed a very amazing smile, but it was dangerous and fatal. "What do you say?"
"Son … I don’t know …"
Nalanluohao’s face was directly hit by Nalanling’s affection, which made him cry …
NaLanLing hand without mercy a jilt people at the same time a kick out of the during.
Plop …
Just before the ministers heard the sound and didn’t react, they were knocked to the ground. At the same time, Naran Luohao was tossing and feeling that his bones were broken.
True eccentricity
Father, this is a beating to the death!
NaLanLing heart flame ChengCheng to risk his baby daughter pregnant news turned out to be the last one to know it’s obvious that this child knew from the beginning and lied to himself?
Very good!
The wings are getting hard!
NaLanLing hasn’t walked out of the throne room, but he looks at NaLanLuoHao directly. In the eyes of all the ministers, they all agree that NaLanLing is in an angry state because of NaLanQing’s pregnancy and is taking it out on himself.
After all, Wu ‘an Hou is different, and Nalan Luohao is very friendly and gentle … It is normal that the opinions and ideas brought in the conversation are different from Wu ‘an Hou’s.
"Stop it … stop it … it’s outside the golden palace … stop it …" All the people came running from chaos to now. How many ministers are vegetarians?
I’m not afraid of Nalanling’s office. They came to save me. Usually, the conversation is very friendly. Nalanluohao …
NaLanLuoHao was surrounded by the crowd and sat on the ground, stretched out his hand and wiped a mouthful of blood, provocative eyes and blown lips …
Na Lanling saw that the chill in the fundus was heavier, and the breath around him was like the temperature in the cold winter … that could freeze everything.
Very good!
Go back to the house and you will look good!
Nalanluohao received his father’s eyes, and he greeted it with a big deal and didn’t come back to me to ask for warmth from my sister!
A pet girl and a drowning girl … Everything that happened in the jealous infighting between two men made everyone misunderstand in the place.
After Nalanqing’s pregnancy was exposed, she is now in the state of having a baby. Not only do people around her treat her like a national treasure, but they are afraid that something will happen to the child.
Two months later …
Long Ze still falls.
Na Lanqing gently touched her belly and looked at some slightly protruding lower abdomen. From time to time, she occasionally lost her mind and looked at the distance …
Long Ze …
Where the hell are you …
Son of a bitch, do you want your baby …
Na Lanqing is in good health now, and occasionally she can walk around the bed gently. Every time she moves, she is guarded by a large number of maids, eunuchs or dark guards. After all, her belly is the only hope.
It’s only been four months, but Na Lanqing feels that his stomach is a little big and he has some difficulty walking. He can’t stand it if he exercises greatly or walks for a long time … Sometimes he has a bad appetite and forces himself to vomit while eating … If he vomits, he has to force himself to eat …
A month’s tossing has made her thin instead of getting fat … and her face is getting paler and paler …
The only change is that the belly is getting bigger and bigger …
"The winner is awake!"
After two months, I was in a coma, and Yan Che finally woke up. When Na Lanqing got the news, he had himself carried to the other hospital …
Moonlight is a new pit. Welcome to collect it.
Sick pet poison wife in.
brief introduction
] Friendship demining woman means bloody and cruel caution! ]
Yan Whispering, the witch of the night country, killed Zhongliang’s lover with blood on her hands, and finally ended up in a tragic death field where her first sister took her lover away.
Yan Qingyu, the common daughter of Mosang country, was designed by her first sister to lose her virginity and die, and her resentment at being dumped in a mass grave was hard to get rid of.
When the witch is reborn, the common woman swears by the sky
I’d rather be a demon than a human being!
Fragment 1
Blood was slowly flowing on the floor. The masked man died unsatisfied and fell in a pool of blood. A piece of flesh and blood in his neck was bitten by her and she spit it out …
Stretched out his hand and wiped his lip corner. Yan whispered a strange sneer.
No one will take her life!
Chapter 135 Win the snowman extreme distortion
Update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl!
Chapter 135 Win the snowman extreme distortion ()
Win Yan Che kept staring blankly at the bedside. The whole person seemed to be lost in thought. He sat quietly in bed with a pair of eyes ten holes for a long time without talking until the door was pushed and Lanqing slowly came in …
He’s only ten holes. Look back …
"It’s you!"
Na Lanqing looked at him and nodded gently. "You finally woke up."
"What about winning the snowman?"
Win Yan Che directly interrupted Nalanqing’s words, and the first thing he said was to ask Win Yeti to fall.

Let the other party mistake him for a weak one, and the real strong one will be exposed.

"The name is arrogant enough. I just don’t know if your strength allows you to be so arrogant."
Cloud not smoke words fall raise my hand a whip toward ling day.
Extremely fast, a series of ghosting images are created in vain.
But it’s obvious that the other side is powerless
Ling Tian pretended to hide but didn’t.
The whip slapped him on the shoulder.
Lingtian flew out and landed several meters away.
"Ahem …"
Ling day looked pale to the clouds not smoke.
"Miss Big is really amazing. I’m no match."
So weak?
Clouds are not smoke and eyebrows are twisted.
She just casually smoked to test each other’s strength first.
Not even semi-successful.
Even ordinary people are not completely unable to hide.
But this guy flew so far?
Yunfeiyan reacted quickly. This guy lost to her on purpose.
Although I don’t know Ling Tian did this, it just aroused her anger.
Don’t you dare to elaborate on me, Miss Duke Fu!
Want to be eliminated directly, right?
I’m not as good as you!
"So weak, I don’t think it is necessary for you to live."
"Wave food and harmony"
Cloud not smoke fundus flashed a bit narrow smile momentum suddenly climbed.
Strong breath that a few other bystanders coloured deeply.
Is ling day look dignified.
Enter the Taoist realm!
And judging from the breath alone, it’s almost time to catch Wu Heng.
This chick is young and so strong.
Yunfeiyan’s boots slammed their feet and blew up smoke.
The whole people rushed towards Lingtian rapidly.
The whip in his hand is like an arm, as if a poisonous snake was staring at Ling Tian’s prey.
Ling day felt the cloud not smoke body of murder.
Cold eyes
"Sword meaning!"
Sword stained with royal blood instantly fell in his hand.
Ling day whole person momentum suddenly fried.
It’s not his character to offend the big lady in the Lord’s mansion.
Swords surge out
Cut to the whip shadow like a white practice
The harsh sound was heard, followed by a loud noise.
The two collided and the whole training ground trembled a few times.
Blocking the opponent’s blow, Ling Tian did not stop, and the sword shadow in his hand changed.
Go straight to the clouds and not smoke with a devastating momentum.
"Come on!"
Clouds are not smoke, eyes are glowing.
She said this guy can’t be that weak.
Sure enough, I am not mistaken!
The whip shook and hit the sword shadow.
Ding ding ding!
It’s a breath. Two people actually fight several times.
Sand and stones are flying, and the wind is blowing, making people almost blind.
Ling day has also been aroused the fighting spirit to more sharp.
But suddenly he realized something was wrong.
What about murder?
I don’t know when Yunfei’s murder has disappeared and replaced it with a strong fighting spirit.
Ling day face a heavy.
It’s been cheated!
Nine times out of ten, this woman never intended to kill him from the beginning.
I want to force him to make an effort.
Ling Tian couldn’t help sighing.
He has been on the alert since he came here.
At that time was calculated.

Nanyin was in a coma at the steering wheel, and the powdered glass slag fell on her head and finally she was dragged out by Royi with a pain.

"You’re not dead yet!"
Nanyin gasped and pushed Royi!
Section 47
Royi threw a stick to raise my hand and dumped Nanyin in the face. She carried her hair and pointed to the people and roared, "He is a person. This is a life! If it weren’t for him, it would be me now. "
"What is not you! Bitch! You are alive! Yuyang, you are dead! You should also accompany him! "
Nanyin pulls her hair and laughs for a while, which is more weird than staring at Royi’s mottled face with maliciousness.
"I’ve always thought that you and your mother were just selfish and less generous, but I didn’t expect that I overestimated your one-by-one calculation, and now you still want to kill me. There’s a saying in Yuyang that’s right. I’m so stupid."
"You still have face him! ?”
Nanyin’s sharp high-pitched hand is like hitting the other side.
"You ruined his Nanyin, you are not human at all, and I have to treat you the way I treat people?"
Royi grabbed her hand so pale that her face suddenly burst into a smile, desolate and cruel.
She suddenly let go of Nanyin and fell to the ground without food for several days. Her strength was vain.
"I want to report to the police that someone at Shiduqiao deliberately killed someone."
Cold words make everyone present feel a chill.
"How dare you? !” Nanyin quickly got up from the ground!
"Miss Nan …"
The driver also trotted over, and he didn’t approve of calling the police until three hours later.
"The perpetrators want to escape! Give you three minutes to come quickly! "
Royi’s face has not changed.
Nanyin was completely scared at this time. She wanted to kill Royi. At that moment, she didn’t expect things to be like this.
But …
"Oh, Royi, you’re not naive. How dare you call the police? I’m afraid you’ll die first."
Family members in southern China are important and always famous.
Royi can’t know what she’s up to. Hum and laugh took the words from the driver on the other side.
"Tell Sanshao I want to solve it myself."
Dudu …
The driver looked at her dejectedly and hung up.
Nanyin was livid and twisted aside to be sycophantic.
The police came soon, but they roared with the police cars and Nan Yuanshan and his party.
"That’s her!"
Royi pushed Nanyin to the front of a fat man wearing a policeman without looking at the South Mountain behind him.
"Wait, what’s going on?" Nanyuan Mountain strides forward.
"Excuse me, sir, this is the scene."
Fat police officer a serious way
Nan Yuanshan was unhappy and squinted at Royi Nanyin. They knew that Mr. Fat was the head that pulled him aside and whispered.
"Did you call the police?"
The fat gentleman patted Nan Yuanshan on the shoulder and came over to ask Royi.
"That’s right"
"She slandered her father. Look at her. Call me." Nanyin knew that Nanyuan Mountain was coming, and she would be fine and dumped by several people.

This thing of Qina going into the city was finished, but when she came back with a small bag and left, she was a little in distress situation. Fortunately, she got a wheelbarrow, otherwise she really couldn’t carry it.

With the information, a lot of furniture is still being customized, and some homespun has been brought back. There are also two cheongsam chubby things to be embroidered and almost all the patterns left are eaten.
From roast chicken, smoked goose and wasted fish to dried radish bean paste, if it weren’t for Zhou Yuzhou’s personal cooking, if it weren’t for Qinan’s saying that it was close to the vegetable market, she would have brought some big hams.
Less than an hour’s drive is not into the mountains and forests!
Qina returned to the military area command while pulling the cart.
As soon as I went in, something was taken over. "My wife is finally back, and my husband almost became a hopeful stone!" "
Qina Chen gave him a look and ignored him.
Ye Zhan has some grievances. "The one who is younger than me also misses you."
I’m going to follow him home to listen to his muttering tone. Ye Zhan is just a small face at home, and even if he did, he wouldn’t be here.
Qina a face of doubt to see someone bow in an instant.
This old driver! Too dirty!
Qina’s face is red. It’s outside!
Ye Zhan as if he didn’t say anything. "Didn’t my wife hear people say that parting is better than getting married? I don’t see Sanqiu for a day. "
Qina didn’t want to talk to him at all
I brought so many things and didn’t come to invite everyone to eat.
Finally, I completely understand that "the one younger than me misses you". Qina is soft all over.
When I got up the next day, I got up late again.
Fortunately, with the people in the college, no one will care if he is a lazy woman. Qina thinks to herself.
"Xiaonan Xiaonan is a good thing!"
Chapter 43 Actually, I am a student.
Qiu Ping went out with several people in high spirits.
Qina was playing something she pulled back yesterday and was ready to pick it up when she heard Qiuping’s bright voice.
Seeing them come in Qinan, they stopped what they had and poured water. They didn’t refuse as usual, but sat down to have a long talk.
"What good thing?" Qina smilingly asked
Qiu Ping said, "Well, I sent my children to school two days earlier and went to the market to do some shopping. I heard that the garment factory is nearby and the boss from other places is coming, so I don’t want to ride a bike for 20 minutes."
After that, Qiu Ping took a sip of water and watched Qinan stare at her and asked her to go to the sample. Qiu Ping asked, "Yesterday, we went to see it and listened to it. Although the salary was lower than that outside, it is not easy to find a job in such a close place. I wonder if you are interested in seeing Xiaonan?"
So there is a job opportunity? Qina sincerely, they are happy. If this happens, the posts in the compound can accommodate a group of people, and the kindergarten children can also be taken care of. It will be much better to go outside and have another working day.
It’s rare for them to think of themselves whenever something good happens.
Qinan shook her head and said, "I’m not very good at sewing machines, and there’s nothing now."
Qiu Ping said with a face of "I know this is all an excuse" and a meaningful expression, "That’s how newlyweds come to understand. You don’t know that you went home for two days. Yesterday, someone was waiting to pick you up outside like a stump. Everyone deliberately went to see the western scenery."
Think of things yesterday Qina face a red again.
Qiu Ping went on to say, "We didn’t come here yesterday, so there is still a wink."
After laughing, Qiu Ping said their real purpose. "Xiao Nan is like this. If we work there, we all want to try it in the past, but as you know, the children haven’t had a holiday there yet, and they don’t trust to send meals back and forth every day."
Qinan was not sure of their intentions, so she looked up at them with sparkling eyes. "What can I do for you?"
Personally, she is quite happy to get in touch with the children.
Qiu Ping’s sister-in-law went on to say, "I think it’s not good for you to go out to work early and come back late just after you got married, and because we … don’t even have a chance to work in the college."
What a beautiful misunderstanding.
In Qiuping’s view, Qinan asked them about their work as soon as they came, and all kinds of ways to do it risked offending Liu Zhaodi, and they didn’t work to help them win it. They were not afraid of Liu Zhaodi going to worry about it even if it was a rotation.
I’m still bent on it, and the children have to set up a kindergarten …
Qinan has only been here for a few days, and everything is what they intend to do. Now everything is different. It is no longer such a stagnant pool. They naturally feel good when they get up early and flourish.
"No, no, no, it’s not like this …" Qina explained quickly.
After listening to Qiu Ping’s words, he is self-deprecating.
Qiu Ping’s words startled Qina.

"King Schelling!"

And then went to kill the enemy.
It turns out that these people in gray know Lin Yi’s identity.
Lin Yi suddenly became curious about these people in gray with the word "revenge" written on their chests.
In the face of this group of people in gray attacking chang meng quickly, he screamed and told his men to withdraw. No, he shouted and his hands also wanted to escape.
But they were entangled in these people in gray, and it was hard for them to get out at the moment.
One by one, the northern minions were killed and fell into a pool of blood.
People in gray also suffered casualties.
The man in black who made the double guns saw that the tide had run out, so he quickly withdrew and left. Two men in gray tried to intercept him and were stabbed to death by him.
Lin Yi killed several people and then took Xiaozhu to chang meng.
At the moment, Meng Chang hacked with a big axe and tried to fight his way out. His big axe chopped down a gray man, Lin Yi, and his figure stood in front of him like a phantom of the opera.
Meng Chang frightened and waved an axe to cut Lin Yi, but he was faster and faster. However, Lin Yi’s gun had stabbed the back of his hand, and it was also a hole in the back of his hand. However, Lin Yi’s gun was too strong to pierce the back of his hand, and his gun was too sharp to tear chang meng’s whole hand.
Meng Chang screamed and his axe fell to the ground.
Lin Yi’s gun flashed again and pierced his throat.
Then Lin Yi will pick out chang meng’s body from the gun body.
Chang meng died, and his hands were even more frightened, but they were haunted by those discouraged people, and it was too difficult to get away, and they were killed one by one by the other.
At this time, the haystack in the east came to two extremely tragic howls in a row.
Then panic began to ring.
"The tough god! Tough god … "
Chapter sixty-one The south king war iron magic (2)
Lin Yi was shocked when he heard these fears.
The devil, the iron-faced God, has come!
Lin Yi was very angry at the cruel killing of Shaolin monks by the iron-faced God. Now he wants to see this devil.
Lin Yi held Xiaozhu and swept a haystack.
At the moment, hundreds of people and dozens of haystacks are killing the snow, and the haystacks shuttle out and scream like a devil, and then a few growls like a devil also ring.
Like the real devil riding the snow.
Then a few creepy screams rang out.
Lin Yi, who plundered the haystack, also saw the iron-faced God.
Wearing an iron cover and animal clothes, the iron-faced king is really like a devil.
The iron-faced God came from the southwest. He entered this haystack field and saw the bloody scene of fierce fighting between the two sides. Suddenly, he became very excited.

Zhu Houzhao smell speech can’t help but eyes flashed a light way "oh east factory secret play? Is there anything wrong with Chu Da Companion? "

Said Zhu Houzhao took the East Factory Mimo, and then opened his eyes and swept the Mimo. Gradually, Zhu Houzhao was sullen like water, and his hands trembled slightly. The whole person was like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time
Pa Zhu Houzhao slapped the tea table around him and smashed the teacup into pieces and cut the palm of your hand. Blood flowed out.
"It’s just that a magistrate and garrison dare to lead an army to besiege the imperial court. Do they still have the imperial court and me in their eyes?"
Aside to serve Zhang Yong, Gu Da and several little eunuchs, one by one, they were so scared that they burst on their knees and looked at Zhu Houzhao with a face of love. "Calm down, calm down …"
"If I calm down, you tell me that I should calm down!"
Zhu Houzhao kicked Gu Da’s body and kicked Gu Da to the ground, holding the secret sound slightly hoarse. "Look at this. This is a good minister. Who gave them such courage to mobilize the military forces of the Wei Institute to surround and kill an imperial envoy!"
As soon as Gu Dagu got up, he shouted at a little eunuch, "Go and get the medicine for the wound!"
Picking up the letter valley with a quick glance suddenly shocked him. Why is Zhu Houzhao so angry? Don’t say it’s Zhu Houzhao. I’m afraid that if I were a fatuous master, I’d be furious even if I saw what the letter said.
Even the army of the guards has been deployed. It is shocking to know Chu Yi’s identity and kill Chu Yi around.
Scrambling, Zhu Houzhao dropped several vases and finally sat down with a face of anger and bandaged the wound with Gu Daban.
Taniguchi said at the moment, "isn’t it true that the pursuit of Chu Yi didn’t have an accident, but it was also a bloodbath. There are Gao Feng’s army guards in Jining’s officialdom who want to come back safely this time."
Zhu Houzhao sneered, "Chu Da Companion was assassinated several times. This time, even the guards sent them. How much do you hate Chu Da Companion or how much some people don’t want Chu Da Companion to return to Beijing alive!"
Said Zhu Houzhao eyes staring at the valley avenue "valley big partner do you want to Chu big partner back?"
Burst with a big look full of horror, he fell to the ground and said, "How can it be bad for the Chu brothers to be loyal to you?"
Zhu Houzhao’s eyes fell on Zhang Yongshen again. "Zhang Daban, do you want Chu Daban to come back?"
Zhang Yong, who was frightened, cried bitterly and said, "How dare you, old slave? You dare not give birth to such thoughts even if you give me ten thousand bravery!"
The long breath is like a serious overdraft of energy. Zhu Houzhao Li waved his hand and said, "I am emotional. Please leave me alone …"
Whether it’s Gu Da or Zhang Yong, they were really scared by Zhu Houzhao’s reaction just now. At the same time, they were deeply aware that Chu Yi was assassinated several times. After these things, Zhu Houzhao’s position in his mind has leapt beyond them. I’m afraid that when Liu Jin was the most favored, it may not be able to compete with Chu Yi’s position in Zhu Houzhao’s heart now.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Positions This is crazy?
All the waiters, including Gu Da, retired, and everyone was afraid to breathe for a day, and everyone was afraid that they would be caught in the pool if they were not careful.
Zhu Houzhao sat there alone and quietly swept the throne of Dongchang and Royal Guards one by one. Unexpectedly, the throne of Royal Guards also reported the news that Chu Yi was besieged by the army of Wei Suo in Jining and that Chu Yi was bloodied in Jining.
Although Shi Yiwen has been taken under the command of the Royal Guards, in addition to the command of the Royal Guards, there are also high-level officials of the Royal Guards, such as Tongzhi. Unless the high-level officials of the Royal Guards are wiped out, the largest intelligence agency in this great empire can still operate smoothly and continuously collect what is happening everywhere in the world.
Compared with the process of reporting Jining incident presented by the Royal Guards East Factory, Zhu Houzhao has already been in his heart.
After a long time, Zhu Houzhao’s eyes flashed a decision, "Come!"
Outside, the eunuchs, such as Gu Da and Zhang Yong, hurried into the temple and heard Zhu Houzhao yelling at Gu Da Avenue "Gu Da intends to purport!"
Slightly one leng valley Dalian busy before grinding ink pen will Zhu Houzhao will write imperial edict, listening to Zhu Houzhao’s big heart for Chu Yi to seal the valley.
The eunuch of Si Li Jian Zhang Yin and the supervisor of East Factory and the supervisor of Imperial Horse are in charge of Teng Xiang Si Wei Ying Si Li Jian Imperial Horse Supervisor, which means that Chu Yi’s potential has surpassed that of the great dynasties.
The pen in his hand couldn’t help looking up at Zhu Houzhao slightly. "I’m afraid this … this is against the rules!"
Zhu Houzhao a sullen face staring at the valley avenue "how valley partner don’t I even this life mostly gone? Or do you have any opinions? "
Gu Dalian even said, "I dare not!"
With a wave of his sleeve, Zhu Houzhao said, "According to my will!"
Soon the imperial edict was carefully examined by Zhu Houzhao, who took out the imperial seal and stamped his eyes. Zhang Yong and Gu Sophomore swept it and finally shouted at Zhang Yongdao, "Zhang Da accompanied you and went to light Teng Xiang’s four guards and one guard to welcome Chu Yi back to the DPRK with the imperial edict!"
Zhang Yongwen couldn’t help but be frightened. He didn’t expect Zhu Houzhao to be so important to Chu Yi. He knew that Teng Xiang’s four guards belonged to the imperial guards. Generally speaking, they couldn’t get out of the capital one guard. Thousands of people are now in Zhu Houzhao, so he directly led one guard to meet Chu Yi back to Beijing.
Zhang Yong listened with his own ears. It is absolutely impossible for Zhu Houzhao to say that there is no envy, jealousy and hate in the hearts of the two most prosperous departments, Sili Prison and Royal Horse Prison.
He didn’t hesitate to collude with the foreign court to get rid of Liu Jin, who was expected to become the new head of the department of rites. As a result, everything he did was not as good as Chu Yi’s making trouble everywhere
Zhang Yong, it seems that Chu Yi visited the place first to make a bloody case in Songyang Hospital, and then to kill the literati and Xungui in the south of the Yangtze River. He went back to Beijing and bloodbath Jining officialdom. This is simply a crazy murderer.

"Yes!" Incarnate thirteen arch hand turned and walked away quickly.

Since Hector even Yushu turned him from the dark guard to the guard, he knew that his identity had been exposed. Although Hector even Yushu didn’t treat him like anything for the time being, he would never be better in the future depending on this master than the emperor!
Although I regret my previous choice, there is no turning back …
"Is there any news that Charm Jiugong asked you to go out of the palace to spy on things?" Incarnate after 13 Hector even Yushu looked up at the house beam a dark somewhere light asked.
Then a paper ball fell from the beam in the dark, and even Yushu’s cold eyes narrowed and his hands stretched out, and he firmly grasped the paper ball. At first glance, his face lit up and he cheered, "Great! Mother and uncle Huangfu are finally getting married! "
Liang Mei-jiu heard his clear voice, which belongs to normal children, and couldn’t help but stir her eyebrows-
When Hector even Yushu saved them from Hector even Chengde and begged them from Hector even Chengde, Hector even Chengde secretly found them and asked them to monitor and report Hector even Yushu’s daily actions!
Whether several other people except Incarnate Thirteen have continued to handle affairs with Helianchengde, he doesn’t know that he knows that he didn’t obey Helianchengde’s orders but chose to be loyal to this precocious and distressing young master.
"Charm nine, what kind of wedding gift should the palace send to mother and uncle Huangfu?" Is absent-minded Hector even Yushu asked faint into his ears.
Incarnate nine hurriedly return to absolute being to open my mouth to answer, but I heard that Fang Xiaozhu had asked himself to answer "forget it and then supply them!" Palace now situation is actually no different from sitting in a prison, even if you are ready to send a wedding present, you can’t send it out of the palace … "Soft waxy waxy voice is full of frustration, and Nai can’t help but feel a tight heart!
"Charm nine, I want some reliable private guards who can help me send a message to my mother on weekdays. Can you find anyone?" Fang Helian Yushu looked at the note in his hand with a sad face, and his heart was full of regrets.
Mother finally found the right person, but he couldn’t be there in person, not even a word!
Sure enough, Uncle Huangfu said that there is nothing wrong. Although he is a little smarter than ordinary children, he is still a kid. It is too early to compete with his scum dad without his own power!
A dark dumb man from the beam came firmly and slowly. "Please give the charm for 96 months. After half a year, the Lord will have his own private guard!"
"good!" Lian Yushu lifted a clean and beautiful little face and looked at the charm nine hiding in the dark. "I’ll wait for you!" "
Just four words mean that his letter to the charm of nine instantly brought a pair of masters and servants closer …
It’s been four days since the wedding, and the palace has been busy for a long time, but now the deployment workers are close to the end
Because the fake queen pretended to be ill and didn’t show up, this wedding arrangement was that Huangfurui almost relied on his own hands, and even Zhang Gui was pulled to act as a temporary procurement!
"Girl TaiDian let you try on a set of hi to see if it fits." Jane Azhu and her sisters walked side by side with heavy trays and came to the only "idle person" in the East Palace, and whispered.
"… so many pieces are you sure this is a suit! ?” Sun Jin glanced up and swept their eyes, holding the tray in their hands, and suddenly they were tongue-tied.
Boy, it’s so thick! Thanks to the fact that it’s not hot now, if you wear this dress in summer, you will definitely be hot to death!
"Tai Dian has ordered her to remove a long gown or there will be more …" Ah Zhu Xiao explained.
"All right, let it go. I’ll try again later." Before Ms. Sun raised her hand and rubbed her temples, she also envied those brides who were married by auxiliary armed forces. Now it’s her turn to know how annoying and tired it is. Unfortunately, Huangfurui’s identity is there, and she can’t simplify it if she wants to!
"Girl, you’d better try it now. The embroidered ladies are still waiting to modify it for you!" Seeing that she didn’t cooperate with Jane and Azhu, she couldn’t help but look at each other and gently persuade her to debut. "Besides, it’s complicated to wear. You can’t handle it alone. Let the handmaiden wait on you!"
"Er …" Sun Jin couldn’t hide, so he compromised. "Then find out the innermost clothes first and I’ll wear them myself!" Although it’s been so long since she crossed over, she still doesn’t like being watched naked. Even when she takes a bath, no one is allowed to leave water to rub her back. What’s worse, let them help her dress! qR1
"Yes!" The sisters readily agreed and quickly found out the underwear and pants.
After taking the clothes, Sun Jin hid behind the screen.
When she came out again, Jane and Azhu instantly felt that Sun Jin’s skin was bright and white, and the clothes set off in the festive big red open collar made her look slender, white, beautiful and charming!
"Well, do you think it fits?" Sun Jin turned around and asked that there was no way to fit in the eyes of the ancients. She understood that fitting was not a concept, and she could consult the real ancients.
Because she has to speak, this suit is too big and complicated, cumbersome and doesn’t fit at all!
"Please try these on again!" Ah Zhen Ah Zhu patiently urged again to tell the truth that they are all girls’ families, and it’s the first time they’ve even seen their wedding clothes, and they don’t know where they fit!
"Well ….." Originally, I was still trying to muddle through. Someone held out his hand with a flat mouth, and the two sisters superimposed it on themselves one by one until she felt that she was wrapped like a dumpling and was about to breathe. I heard the sisters breathe a sigh of relief. "The girl is dressed!"
Chapter 23 I want to sleep with you
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Jane, the two sisters quickly carried a big bronze mirror in front of her and looked at Byakki Smoker’s expensive dress. Even Ms. Sun herself couldn’t help but marvel at "Yeah! It’ s true that people rely on clothes to make a Buddha rely on gold! "
All along, her own women’s clothes are not as good-looking as men’s, and now she knows that it’s not that her own women’s clothes are not good-looking, but that she is not wearing the right clothes!
"hmm? Are you dressed already? It seems that the palace is late! " Just as Sun Jin was looking at the mirror and gloating, a rather regretful sound came from the door of the temple.
Looking around, I saw Huangfurui striding over in a purple four-claw embroidered robe, still holding a long red lacquer wooden box in his hand.
"Why are busy people here at this time?" Sun Jinmei picked up his chest and put his hands on his abdomen consciously, posing as a lady.

When I heard this, Qin Baixue suddenly appeared again in the past.

"That can’t be done. I have to make Dong Dong like it. I like it so much that I can’t extricate myself. Then he won’t be able to stay away from me."
Looking at self-confidence, Qin Baixue Shen Xuefu is also very confident in her.
After all, these two people are as cold and cheerless as snow in winter and as warm as summer sun, and they will certainly become an enviable couple.
"Snow White, if you like it, you should chase it boldly, but remember not to hurt yourself. If Dong Dong doesn’t give you a response for a long time, you might as well air it and let him feel at arm’s length, maybe he will be unable to resist it."
Listen, Shen Xuefu told himself that Qin Baixue was obedient and nodded his head.
"Sister Chevy says that you support me?"
Of course, I won’t tell your parents, but you should remember to send them letters often to worry them.
"I love you the most when I know Sister Xuefu." Qin Baixue kissed Shen Xuefu with a "yum" bite.
"Okay, okay, girl, be dignified."
It happened that Shen Xuefu saw holding a big stack of things in the past and stopped.
"In however you hold what is that? Let me see. "
In fear and trembling, I held those accounts to Shen Xuefu and prayed that she couldn’t see them at all.
"Back to the League Leader, these are some accounts in the League recently. I’m going to sort them out. Why haven’t you rested?"
"I’ll take care of something and I’ll be ready to go back soon."
Said Shen Xuefu, picking up the account and looking through a few pages, I found something was wrong, but it didn’t show it.
"Come on, it’s not so hard every day. Hurry up and tidy up your things and go to rest. You always stay up late."
In respectfully back to didn’t see Shen Xuefu cold face.
After watching people go, Shen Xuefu said to the page around him, "Go and secretly call Wang Quan for me."
Chapter 257 Brother’s heart
Soon Wang Quan was called over.
"Is there anything serious?"
According to Wang Quan’s understanding of Shen Xuefu, it’s late at night and personal opinion. It must be a big thing
Wang Quan even came running without finishing his clothes.
"Let me show you something!"
Shen Xuefu waved Wang Quan not to be nervous
At the same time, a blue leather account was pushed to Wang Quan’s eyes and gently spread.
"This is … the night alliance account"
Wang Quan recognized it quickly.
"Well, look at the accounts carefully."
Shen Xuefu nodded and drew a finger gently in the account.
"This … how did this happen?"
Wang Quan was confused at first.
But the more I watched it, the more I felt something was wrong. My face turned livid and my fingers kept turning pages.
You can’t pretend to be shocked.
"I’m sure you’ve seen the problem, haven’t you? The accounts are very unclear and there are even a few inexplicable accounts."
"I think this account is even deliberately created by a willing heart."
Shen Xuefu looked at the doors and windows and found no suspicious figure. This just lowered their voices.
"Do you have any doubts about this intentional person?"
Wang Quan followed down tone is quite serious.
"Not yet."
"So I need your help"
Shen Xuefu shook his head slowly and made a nice sound.
"If there’s anything I can do, just tell me and I’ll do my best."

It’s like a whale in To Hoai. She got it back.

This semi-permanent frame should be engraved on Zhou Shiyu’s face. He is the best match.
Of course, it’s more charming when you don’t wear it. You can’t let others see that
"I don’t like to be compared." Zhou Shiyu raised her eyes and locked her eyes.
She swam her hand to Taba and lifted his jaw. "Well, I won’t have this chance after that."
Zhou Shiyu leaned over. "Moving that day?"
"You can talk late if you want," Fu Jingyun said to him.
Zhou Shiyu nodded "OK, move now"
"Well, you have to work tomorrow. Don’t be too tired. People have already moved in. Don’t worry about those things." Fu Jingyun hugged him
Too many emotions take a long time to calm down.
It is the truest thing to feel the big boy in your arms.
He gave her all that alternative sense of security.
She didn’t worry, but he was ready when she turned around.
Zhou Shiyu gave her a hug and went to the bathroom. "Take a shower first and I’ll get you a set of my pajamas."
Fu Jingyun’s eyes are swollen. She just cried and hurt. She can see clearly in the mirror, but there is a room full of things she is familiar with. She doesn’t have to worry about it.
As Zhou Shiyu said, toothpaste is the toothbrush she often uses, and the one she bought is a couple’s model. She bought it for Zhou Shiyu before, and she also likes shower gel and shampoo brand makeup remover. He simply copied the things in her flat floor.
She couldn’t help laughing. "What a sweet brother."
Although she had a fight with her family, she felt more comfortable than ever. From today, she is her own Fu Jingyun, not Zhou Shiyu Fu Jingyun. She didn’t want to take it off.
This night is cool and mixed with warmth.
Fu Jingxiao came home from my old house and Xu Jinyan was still waiting for him in the living room.
"Haven’t you slept yet?" Fu Jingxiao asked her
Xu Jin inkstone pointed to the packing box on the table. "Well, I’m waiting for someone to eat supper."
"You didn’t eat?" It’s a while before dinner now, and she packed it in a hurry and came back. After all, no one ate it.
"Waiting for you," Xu Jinyan called him to come over. "I went to the microwave to heat it up. I also ordered sugar water just together."
Fu Jingxiao sat down on the sofa with some difficulty, and he was depressed because Fu Jingyun and his way back, and he had been thinking about it all the time.
He can insist on his own opinion and want to be so happy with her, but for her, she hopes that everyone should bless him, but his family parents insist on their own opinions, which is very difficult.
"What’s wrong with your frown?" Xu Jin inkstone put the hot packing box on the tea table, and was busy holding his earlobe to prevent himself from being scalded.
Fu Jingxiao just swayed and came over to put the packing box with her. "I have kept you waiting for too long."
"I have eaten in the store soon," Xu Jinyan explained when he saw him blaming himself. "By the way, is Sister Jing Yun okay?"
Fu Jingxiao shook his head "Nothing has been solved"
"That’s good." In fact, Xu Jinyan doesn’t know what it is. He doesn’t say anything about their family, and she doesn’t ask, just like herself.
Give each other enough.
She sat on the floor with a meat crab pot and began to eat
Fu Jingxiao smiled from the sofa to accompany her to sit on the carpet.
"My sister and Lao Zhou were found at home, and they didn’t agree." Fu Jingxiao said to Xu Jinyan while eating.
He wanted to tell her something and let her not have so much pressure.
"Then I have a balance in my heart. You see, even such an excellent person as Dr. Zhou will be disagreed and we will become natural." Xu Jinyan laughed and broke the silence.
She tried to make him feel better in her own way.
Because you are familiar and aware enough, you will want to get what the other person thinks.
"Who says you are better than Lao Zhou? My girlfriend is so powerful. What’s not so good?" Fu Jingxiao smiled and wanted to touch her face.
As a result, she hid in disgust. "Your paws are all soy sauce and you want to touch me. It’s so dirty. What’s the principle of cleanliness, General Fu?"
"Anyway, it’s in your face, not mine." His trick failed, so he took it back and continued to eat crabs.
Xu Jinyan snorted "you big bad guy"
Chapter seven hundred Are you inseparable?
"What shall we do?" Xu Jinyan returned to the topic, "They won’t be forced to break up, will they?"
Fu Jingxiao said, "If they force you to break up with me, do you care?"
"Does that depend on the conditions? Generally speaking, it depends on how much money is given to the drama festival. If you are in this position, you may have to attach several suites. If you have a house and give money in an inch of land, you say that you can support several generations, at least three generations?" Xu Jin’s inkstone mouth was still stained with crab broth, and her dark eyes kept wandering around as if she could see her hugging a calculator and pressing numbers on the surface.
After all, she is studying science, and she is very sensitive to numbers.
He said, "I’m not that valuable. You don’t want to."
"It’s not very cost-effective. If we can buy out Qian Shengqian at one time, I can get some interest at most. It’s not cost-effective." Xu Jinyan sucked a crab’s foot. "Crabs are delicious."
Fu Jingxiao has no choice but to take her.
She won’t just let him feel relieved in this way. "Then how much will it cost to give Dr. Zhou?"
"Lao Zhou is not a financial fan," Fu Jingxiao emphasized.
"How can Dr. Zhou be moved by money when he is so upright and upright?" Xu Jinyan’s admiration for Zhou Shiyu is really blind.
Is it an idol after all?

He walked to the door. Outside the door, he was amazed that he had not seen Bai Xiaoran for a long time.

She saw Xiao Zhendong with a fruit basket and politely greeted him with "Hello, Uncle Xiao"
Chapter 643 You can’t compete with me
I haven’t seen Bai Xiaoran for a long time, and she has become a lot more collected. She is weak and easily gives people a sense of harm.
Xiao Zhendong has a little impression on her. The second time this girl appeared, Xiao Yin was out of control and entered the emergency room.
As the saying goes, Xiao Zhendong, who stretched out his hand and didn’t smile, couldn’t say too much to a girl.
Bai Xiaoran saw that Xiao Zhendong didn’t talk and added, "My uncle met in a hurry and I didn’t introduce myself well. My name is Bai Xiaoran, and I’m a teaching assistant at S University."
Xiao Zhendong reluctantly replied, "What can I do for you?"
"I’m here to apologize," she said apologetically. "I didn’t know Xiao Yin was ill at that time. I should have come and apologized at that time. I hope uncle and Xiao Yin don’t mind."
Xiao Zhendong’s face softened. "It’s all over, and Yinyin didn’t take it to heart. You didn’t come specially."
Bai Xiaoran smiled shyly and said, "How is Xiao Yin? Is her body better? I heard Jing Huan say that she had an operation the other day and wanted to take this opportunity to visit her. Is she okay?"
The fact that Xiao Zhendong’s face was a little stiff and the operation failed was that they didn’t want to face Bai Xiaoran’s words, which touched his nerve.
Xiao Yin heard the conversation at the door clearly in the ward. She pursed her lips and suddenly said, "Dad, let Miss Bai come in."
Wen Yan Xiao Zhendong paused for a while before letting Bai Xiao Ran in.
When the door opened, Xiao Yin saw Bai Xiaoran clearly.
She is wearing a clean white shirt and a long-legged pink skirt. Her long hair is neatly tied behind her head and looks gentle and demure. Men probably like this lady-like woman.
On the other hand, Xiao Yin
Now it is impossible to make makeup on his deathbed, and his face is slightly swollen due to chemotherapy. His eyes have long lost their former style, and Bai Xiaoran was stunned for several seconds when he saw it.
Xiao Yin was not surprised by her reaction when she knew what she was now, but looked up at Xiao Zhendong and said, "Dad, I want to drink millet porridge. Please help me buy one."
How could Xiao Zhendong not know that Xiao Yin supported him on purpose? He hesitated for a moment and finally went out.
Xiao Yin has strong self-esteem. Even now, she doesn’t want them to look after her like a basket case.
There are only two of them behind the ward door.
Xiao Yin raised her eyelids and looked at her faintly. "What are you doing here?"
Bai Xiaoran smiled. "I didn’t say I’d come and see you and apologize."
Xiao Yin sneered at "Is there an outsider here now? I look sick if you don’t shed crocodile tears."
Bai Xiaoran was stiff for a second and simply stopped pretending.
She went to the chair next to her and sat down to look up at Xiao Yin with a slight smile. "I really came to see you. I heard that your operation failed. I still have false news. It should be true to see you today."
Xiao Yin pressed on the face slowly clenched by her hand without a half expression, but asked, "I heard who you heard?"
"I know someone who can know your news accurately. Who else do you think?"
Bai Xiaoran said it was obscure but straight Su Jinghuan.
But to her surprise, Xiao Yin didn’t react much or be calm after listening.
Bai Xiaoran was slightly disappointed when she didn’t see the expected reaction, but this didn’t affect her good mood today.
"That’s why you came here today. Just tell me how close Su Jinghuan is to you and tell you everything?"
"This is the truth?"
Xiao Yin laughed coldly. "Can you tell me something when you lie? Su Jinghuan has been here almost every day since the day of discharge. Do you think he sometimes has the energy to pester you again? Do you just say two words and I will believe it? You can’t compete with singing before, but you can’t compete with me now. You don’t know Su Jinghuan at all. He’s soft-hearted and nostalgic. I’ve been with him for so many years, and now he’s sick. He will never abandon me. If I want to be in poor health at this time, you and he won’t be able to have that day. "
Bai xiaoran was poked, and finally some people couldn’t stay.
"I’m right. If you are ill, he can’t look at me again, but now it’s different." Bai Xiaoran sneered. "You have failed in surgery, and there are not many days to live. I will argue with a dying man so much. I can’t compete with you if you are alive, but what if you die?"
Xiao Yin face finally changed.
What if she dies?
She’s dead. Su Jinghuan has been with her.
She suddenly remembered what Zhou Jinheng said before. She had to live to have a future with Su Jinghuan, so that he could love her. If she died, there would be nothing.
Obviously, Bai Xiaoran knows this better than she does, so she can’t wait to come here and demonstrate with her.
"You don’t even have a healthy body to argue with me."
Bai Xiaoran got up. "Don’t forget what Mr. Tang left with you because you are sick. If you are healthy, will he look at you more?"
"I can’t compete with singing. I admit it, but you? It doesn’t mean that you will lose me by any means, waiting for this day to come. "
"Get out!"
Xiao Yin pointed at the door with a cold face. "Get out of here!"
Bai Xiaoran got up and pulled the skirt, arranged a shirt fold and raised his eyes. "Xiao Yin, do you remember when we first met and you talked to me?"
Xiao Yin looked at her and said nothing.
She met Bai Xiaoran for the first time because she helped Su Jinghuan apply for several fresh graduates. Su Jinghuan thanked her and invited her to dinner. She knew that this woman was a singer’s best friend and went with her.
"You said that people are divided into three, six, nine, etc. It is best not to have something that Xiang Xiao does not belong to his identity. I am very angry with this sentence. I have always used this sentence to motivate myself to become a person. Your so-called everyone singing has inspired my fighting spirit, and you have made me today. I should thank you."
"Get out!"
Xiao Yinyin’s fingers were shaking gently as she grabbed the sheets sharply.
Bai Xiao ran hook lip angle that turned and walked towards the door.
Just bumped into MuYunZe pulling a high song outside the door.
Her face has not disappeared yet, and it seems a little weird at this time.
Chapter 644 Betrayed by best friend
But soon she packed up her face and showed a close smile that could be said to be very harmful. "Little Song Mu always came."
See Bai Xiaoran singing here eyebrows slightly twist twist sipping lips didn’t speak.
Is MuYunZe looked at her some kind of indifference, "miss white here to do I remember you and xiao seems to have no friendship"
Bai Xiaoran’s face was slightly embarrassed. "I had some contradictions with Xiao Yin before. I heard that she had just come to visit after surgery recently. By the way, I didn’t understand before and apologized to her."