This is our only blood. No one can touch it. Don’t let the royal blood break here.

NaLanLing was inexplicably targeted and didn’t get angry. The eyes were staring at the minister’s eyes. NaLanLuoHao’s eyes were full of murder. NaLanLuoHao couldn’t help shivering. A chill passed directly from the top of his head to the soles of his feet …
be done for
Father is angry.
I kept my father from telling him that my sister was pregnant … My father must be angry …
NaLanLuoHao instantly thought of the reason why he was targeted. He thought about the reason in his heart, but he was careless, very weak and tilted his head …
Retreat from the DPRK
NaLanLuoHao haven’t walked out of the door during all of a sudden, he got a punch and got dizzy. He threw himself forward and knocked his forehead on the door panel …
NaLanLing grabbed his neck from behind and pulled NaLanLuoHao to his face like a little lazy cat. NaLanLing’s eyes were cold. "NaLanLuoHao, do you want to die?"
Naranluohao smiled two times. "What did you say, father?"
Nalanling’s eyes were covered with frost, and her lips showed a very amazing smile, but it was dangerous and fatal. "What do you say?"
"Son … I don’t know …"
Nalanluohao’s face was directly hit by Nalanling’s affection, which made him cry …
NaLanLing hand without mercy a jilt people at the same time a kick out of the during.
Plop …
Just before the ministers heard the sound and didn’t react, they were knocked to the ground. At the same time, Naran Luohao was tossing and feeling that his bones were broken.
True eccentricity
Father, this is a beating to the death!
NaLanLing heart flame ChengCheng to risk his baby daughter pregnant news turned out to be the last one to know it’s obvious that this child knew from the beginning and lied to himself?
Very good!
The wings are getting hard!
NaLanLing hasn’t walked out of the throne room, but he looks at NaLanLuoHao directly. In the eyes of all the ministers, they all agree that NaLanLing is in an angry state because of NaLanQing’s pregnancy and is taking it out on himself.
After all, Wu ‘an Hou is different, and Nalan Luohao is very friendly and gentle … It is normal that the opinions and ideas brought in the conversation are different from Wu ‘an Hou’s.
"Stop it … stop it … it’s outside the golden palace … stop it …" All the people came running from chaos to now. How many ministers are vegetarians?
I’m not afraid of Nalanling’s office. They came to save me. Usually, the conversation is very friendly. Nalanluohao …
NaLanLuoHao was surrounded by the crowd and sat on the ground, stretched out his hand and wiped a mouthful of blood, provocative eyes and blown lips …
Na Lanling saw that the chill in the fundus was heavier, and the breath around him was like the temperature in the cold winter … that could freeze everything.
Very good!
Go back to the house and you will look good!
Nalanluohao received his father’s eyes, and he greeted it with a big deal and didn’t come back to me to ask for warmth from my sister!
A pet girl and a drowning girl … Everything that happened in the jealous infighting between two men made everyone misunderstand in the place.
After Nalanqing’s pregnancy was exposed, she is now in the state of having a baby. Not only do people around her treat her like a national treasure, but they are afraid that something will happen to the child.
Two months later …
Long Ze still falls.
Na Lanqing gently touched her belly and looked at some slightly protruding lower abdomen. From time to time, she occasionally lost her mind and looked at the distance …
Long Ze …
Where the hell are you …
Son of a bitch, do you want your baby …
Na Lanqing is in good health now, and occasionally she can walk around the bed gently. Every time she moves, she is guarded by a large number of maids, eunuchs or dark guards. After all, her belly is the only hope.
It’s only been four months, but Na Lanqing feels that his stomach is a little big and he has some difficulty walking. He can’t stand it if he exercises greatly or walks for a long time … Sometimes he has a bad appetite and forces himself to vomit while eating … If he vomits, he has to force himself to eat …
A month’s tossing has made her thin instead of getting fat … and her face is getting paler and paler …
The only change is that the belly is getting bigger and bigger …
"The winner is awake!"
After two months, I was in a coma, and Yan Che finally woke up. When Na Lanqing got the news, he had himself carried to the other hospital …
Moonlight is a new pit. Welcome to collect it.
Sick pet poison wife in.
brief introduction
] Friendship demining woman means bloody and cruel caution! ]
Yan Whispering, the witch of the night country, killed Zhongliang’s lover with blood on her hands, and finally ended up in a tragic death field where her first sister took her lover away.
Yan Qingyu, the common daughter of Mosang country, was designed by her first sister to lose her virginity and die, and her resentment at being dumped in a mass grave was hard to get rid of.
When the witch is reborn, the common woman swears by the sky
I’d rather be a demon than a human being!
Fragment 1
Blood was slowly flowing on the floor. The masked man died unsatisfied and fell in a pool of blood. A piece of flesh and blood in his neck was bitten by her and she spit it out …
Stretched out his hand and wiped his lip corner. Yan whispered a strange sneer.
No one will take her life!
Chapter 135 Win the snowman extreme distortion
Update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl!
Chapter 135 Win the snowman extreme distortion ()
Win Yan Che kept staring blankly at the bedside. The whole person seemed to be lost in thought. He sat quietly in bed with a pair of eyes ten holes for a long time without talking until the door was pushed and Lanqing slowly came in …
He’s only ten holes. Look back …
"It’s you!"
Na Lanqing looked at him and nodded gently. "You finally woke up."
"What about winning the snowman?"
Win Yan Che directly interrupted Nalanqing’s words, and the first thing he said was to ask Win Yeti to fall.

Nanyin was in a coma at the steering wheel, and the powdered glass slag fell on her head and finally she was dragged out by Royi with a pain.

"You’re not dead yet!"
Nanyin gasped and pushed Royi!
Section 47
Royi threw a stick to raise my hand and dumped Nanyin in the face. She carried her hair and pointed to the people and roared, "He is a person. This is a life! If it weren’t for him, it would be me now. "
"What is not you! Bitch! You are alive! Yuyang, you are dead! You should also accompany him! "
Nanyin pulls her hair and laughs for a while, which is more weird than staring at Royi’s mottled face with maliciousness.
"I’ve always thought that you and your mother were just selfish and less generous, but I didn’t expect that I overestimated your one-by-one calculation, and now you still want to kill me. There’s a saying in Yuyang that’s right. I’m so stupid."
"You still have face him! ?”
Nanyin’s sharp high-pitched hand is like hitting the other side.
"You ruined his Nanyin, you are not human at all, and I have to treat you the way I treat people?"
Royi grabbed her hand so pale that her face suddenly burst into a smile, desolate and cruel.
She suddenly let go of Nanyin and fell to the ground without food for several days. Her strength was vain.
"I want to report to the police that someone at Shiduqiao deliberately killed someone."
Cold words make everyone present feel a chill.
"How dare you? !” Nanyin quickly got up from the ground!
"Miss Nan …"
The driver also trotted over, and he didn’t approve of calling the police until three hours later.
"The perpetrators want to escape! Give you three minutes to come quickly! "
Royi’s face has not changed.
Nanyin was completely scared at this time. She wanted to kill Royi. At that moment, she didn’t expect things to be like this.
But …
"Oh, Royi, you’re not naive. How dare you call the police? I’m afraid you’ll die first."
Family members in southern China are important and always famous.
Royi can’t know what she’s up to. Hum and laugh took the words from the driver on the other side.
"Tell Sanshao I want to solve it myself."
Dudu …
The driver looked at her dejectedly and hung up.
Nanyin was livid and twisted aside to be sycophantic.
The police came soon, but they roared with the police cars and Nan Yuanshan and his party.
"That’s her!"
Royi pushed Nanyin to the front of a fat man wearing a policeman without looking at the South Mountain behind him.
"Wait, what’s going on?" Nanyuan Mountain strides forward.
"Excuse me, sir, this is the scene."
Fat police officer a serious way
Nan Yuanshan was unhappy and squinted at Royi Nanyin. They knew that Mr. Fat was the head that pulled him aside and whispered.
"Did you call the police?"
The fat gentleman patted Nan Yuanshan on the shoulder and came over to ask Royi.
"That’s right"
"She slandered her father. Look at her. Call me." Nanyin knew that Nanyuan Mountain was coming, and she would be fine and dumped by several people.

When I heard this, Qin Baixue suddenly appeared again in the past.

"That can’t be done. I have to make Dong Dong like it. I like it so much that I can’t extricate myself. Then he won’t be able to stay away from me."
Looking at self-confidence, Qin Baixue Shen Xuefu is also very confident in her.
After all, these two people are as cold and cheerless as snow in winter and as warm as summer sun, and they will certainly become an enviable couple.
"Snow White, if you like it, you should chase it boldly, but remember not to hurt yourself. If Dong Dong doesn’t give you a response for a long time, you might as well air it and let him feel at arm’s length, maybe he will be unable to resist it."
Listen, Shen Xuefu told himself that Qin Baixue was obedient and nodded his head.
"Sister Chevy says that you support me?"
Of course, I won’t tell your parents, but you should remember to send them letters often to worry them.
"I love you the most when I know Sister Xuefu." Qin Baixue kissed Shen Xuefu with a "yum" bite.
"Okay, okay, girl, be dignified."
It happened that Shen Xuefu saw holding a big stack of things in the past and stopped.
"In however you hold what is that? Let me see. "
In fear and trembling, I held those accounts to Shen Xuefu and prayed that she couldn’t see them at all.
"Back to the League Leader, these are some accounts in the League recently. I’m going to sort them out. Why haven’t you rested?"
"I’ll take care of something and I’ll be ready to go back soon."
Said Shen Xuefu, picking up the account and looking through a few pages, I found something was wrong, but it didn’t show it.
"Come on, it’s not so hard every day. Hurry up and tidy up your things and go to rest. You always stay up late."
In respectfully back to didn’t see Shen Xuefu cold face.
After watching people go, Shen Xuefu said to the page around him, "Go and secretly call Wang Quan for me."
Chapter 257 Brother’s heart
Soon Wang Quan was called over.
"Is there anything serious?"
According to Wang Quan’s understanding of Shen Xuefu, it’s late at night and personal opinion. It must be a big thing
Wang Quan even came running without finishing his clothes.
"Let me show you something!"
Shen Xuefu waved Wang Quan not to be nervous
At the same time, a blue leather account was pushed to Wang Quan’s eyes and gently spread.
"This is … the night alliance account"
Wang Quan recognized it quickly.
"Well, look at the accounts carefully."
Shen Xuefu nodded and drew a finger gently in the account.
"This … how did this happen?"
Wang Quan was confused at first.
But the more I watched it, the more I felt something was wrong. My face turned livid and my fingers kept turning pages.
You can’t pretend to be shocked.
"I’m sure you’ve seen the problem, haven’t you? The accounts are very unclear and there are even a few inexplicable accounts."
"I think this account is even deliberately created by a willing heart."
Shen Xuefu looked at the doors and windows and found no suspicious figure. This just lowered their voices.
"Do you have any doubts about this intentional person?"
Wang Quan followed down tone is quite serious.
"Not yet."
"So I need your help"
Shen Xuefu shook his head slowly and made a nice sound.
"If there’s anything I can do, just tell me and I’ll do my best."

A series of collisions

Every time you collide, the girl in Xin ‘an will turn pale.
Fixed sea roll ripple type
Ripples are as delicate as water, and once they are displayed, they will continue to attack until.
Knife light flashing again
The sword in the heart nunnery’s hand was wiped with a big open blade on her chest.
Lotus flower flash
The nun in Xin ‘an staggered back in pain, and a bloody wound appeared on her chest, bleeding profusely.
Fortunately, she would have crushed a protective charm, otherwise this knife could directly cut her in two!
Another tianjiao faded out.
The sharp sword broke and it was chilly.
Su Mo’s backhand chop stabbed the flying sword blade with a heavy blow, which instantly covered it with frost.
At the same time, the snow valley people started to sound.
The wind was biting as if a basin of ice water had fallen from the sky and poured on Su Mo.
Many eyes watched Su Mo’s body condense into a thick layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye, and spread rapidly all over the body from his head.
Blinking, Su Mo remained motionless, and his face froze into an ice sculpture, lifelike.
Seeing this, some tianjiao breathed a sigh of relief.
Su Mo’s explosive strength is too horrible and powerful, and three tianjiao have already broken into his hands.
Many tianjiao are still real people, and they are absolutely sure that they can suppress them.
"Ling Han’s friendly means are worthy of being a snow valley person."
"The powerful skill of freezing directly seals the people of Shenhuang Island!"
Several tianjiao praised in succession.
Ji goblin’s heart sank, and his eyes surged with all his worries not to get rid of the body cold and shivering, so he had to rescue Su Mo before.
"It’s too late."
Ling Han, a native of Piaoxue Valley, fluttered in white and looked cold and fell proudly from the sky. "This is my blood and spirit that will be cut off by the frozen ten breathing vitality!"
A strange sound suddenly sounded on the battlefield
Chapter four hundred and forty-four The sword fight
Everyone can hear clearly that this sound is actually derived from the ice sculpture!
Kaka, Kaka!
With a burst of cracks, ice sculptures emerge, and cracks are getting bigger and bigger all over the body.
Snow Valley Ling Han’s face changed and his eyes showed incredible color.
A loud noise
In full view, the ice sculpture burst to reveal a tall and massive figure.
This human body gives off waves of surging tides, which makes people shudder!
"Blood is like the tide!"
Someone low shout a.
This change caused many wars to kill Tianjiao, so they stopped for a while and looked askance.

"It’s also that I can feel that President Su is strong after you graduate." Chen Jia can’t imagine that this is the prototype of a company that has not yet been established by a sophomore.

And all of them are still working at most.
"Sue too.
After "Chen Jia immediately plays the fine body", I asked Mr. Su to leave a place for me. "
"Good talk!" Fu can meet with the wave.
Chen Jia coughed twice at once, but Fu Ke-yu didn’t notice that she was still wandering in drawing cakes for herself.
"What is so easy to say?" As soon as Sue woke up, Fu Keyu felt that he had died in situ on the spot. I don’t know how much he heard.
This Chen Jia hinted that it was too inconspicuous.
Fu Keyu turned around. "Why are you here?"
"Buy them drinks. There is no water dispenser in the office. It’s too hot." When Sue woke up, she went upstairs to ask her if she wanted to eat ice cream. As a result, she had already left him to eat.
He stopped by Chen Jiagong convenience store to see if she was here.
It’s really cute that she’s so thoughtful.
"Su Tai!" Chen Jia also said to the mouth at a side.
Fu Keyou really wants to pull her up and beat her up.
Then Sue woke up and went to the drink cabinet and brought a lot of drinks to Chen Jia. After the settlement was completed, he handed over a bottle of strawberry raw milk.
She smiled when she saw strawberries.
"Go together?" Sue woke up and asked her
When Fu Keyou saw it, "Ah, it’s almost time. I’ve been fishing for so long."
“那是她可是我女朋友你是我男朋友 不能比”傅可遇说着已经推着他人进门去了
There’s a tune here. She just wants to lie here for a while.
When he went to work, Fu Ke met with a light hand and went to see the outsiders through the glass. Everyone of them was very busy, and Sue woke up from time to time to instruct them to modify their brains and talk to them. Everyone was busy with things in their hands.
They are all students, but they have become social beings.
Even Chen Liang, who is not very reliable, looks very reliable.
She smiled and went back to the chair, then played video to learn painting teaching. Today, the students were very satisfied with her, so she wanted to do better.
As a result, she fell asleep at the table while watching it.
When I woke up, I felt it was dark outside the window. When she got up, a man’s coat slipped from her body.
Fu Keyu picked it up and patted the ashes.
He has a key.
Is to indulge her interest
Once in a hundred years (5)
When she saw it, it was past five o’clock and immediately called Chen Jia.
"Chen Liang and I went to buy something to eat. Brother Xing asked us to stay in his company for dinner. When you get up, just wait for us. We are on our way back," Chen Jia said to her.
Sue woke up and knocked on the door and came in. "Wake up?"
"How did I fall asleep?"
"You are too tired and hard. My little princess has to support her family." Sue woke up and touched the back of her head.
Fu Keyou directly relies on the position of his head strength to let him receive it.
He is very strong, which makes her feel safe even in the future. She looks up at him and smiles.
"Stop killing dogs and come to dinner." Chen Jia knocked on the door just to see that they were bored. She was so hungry that she didn’t want to disturb them.

Mark immediately laughed. "I’m not cheap enough for the FBI. Whoever likes to grab a piece of broken meat will grab us and stay out of it."

Director Moore of the alien flying saucer research group over there was suddenly anxious.
Mark glanced at it and said, "Either you tell me something now, or you can shut up."
Director Moore quickly said, "Director, this case should be our alien UFO research group."
Mark didn’t refute, but said, "Yes, but the problem is that when the army comes, you should at least give me some confidence and don’t embarrass me then."
Director Moore directly stood on the right path. "Chief, we are professionals in alien flying saucers. Five research agents from my group will be here soon."
Mark smiled.
quite a while
Mark looked at the armored car coming in from the park entrance and immediately said to Jack, "If Director Moore can win it, just harden the steel. If Director Moore doesn’t give force, just evacuate."
Jack nodded "yes"
Mark nodded directly at Debbie and walked outside the park.
Coming from the armored car, Ross has a strange expression and looks at the outside. Mark is thoughtful.
"We need to know"
"Protest …"
"We’re going in."
Outside central park, people are surging.
After Mark walked out of the park, Debbie asked curiously, "Boss, we really don’t care?"
Mark smiled. "What’s with the shell?"
Debbie blinked.
Mark immediately looked at the corner of a Chinese restaurant three blocks away from Central Park.
in ten minutes
Mark’s car came out of the co-pilot with a melancholy face, and Debbie was also worried, watching the crowd walking towards Central Park one after another.
Debbie said, "Look at these people. Are they that crazy?"
Mark pointed to the woman holding the "Take me away" sign and said, "This is a typical good day. I plan to be a slave in an alien."
Debbie smiled.
After Mark finished, he pushed the door of the Chinese restaurant very calmly.
come/burst into view
A handsome man who looks like Hollywood star Keanu has a calm face and sits straight in the corner seat of the Chinese restaurant.
A cup of tea in front of the man is still warm.
Mark looked at the man.
The man also looked up at Mark.
Four eyes relative
quite a while
Mark said to Debbie, "Stay at the door and don’t let a bunch of idiots outside come in."
Debbie looked at the man a few more times and then nodded.
Mark immediately goes to the man.
The man got up from his seat

Yuan Zong shocked, "Julu Hou Zhaomu colluded with the horse thief to seize Choi? He Shibi is a valuable treasure. Can you change fifteen cities? Isn’t Zhao Mu afraid that the prince of Zhao will destroy him? "

Xiang Shaolong was very interested in Choi, and said, "If only I could meet this Choi."
What Shan Rou thinks is how much can Choi and Choi sell?
Chen Yan said, "If you want to see Choi, there will be a chance that these horse thieves will die soon. Is Choi and Choi worthy of being a horse thief?" It’s sad that the horse thieves robbed Choi and defiled Mei-yu and they didn’t know it when death came. "
After Chen Yan’s state of mind reached enlightenment, his wisdom increased greatly. He couldn’t tell fortune, but at the first sight of the horse thief, he knew that the man had a bad face and would not live for three days.
Enough mood and virtue. "Avatar" comes naturally.
Now, if Chen Yan goes to tell others’ fortune, it is one hundred times more accurate than what "linen fortune teller" is.
Chapter 373 Test the actual situation Wu Jia beauty battle
The next afternoon, Liu found Chen Yan and they asked them to attend the celebration.
Xiang Shaolong asked, "Is there any happy event in your cottage?"
Six o ha ha a smile and said, "We robbed the Wu caravan and made a windfall. Of course, it was a big happy event. Don’t talk nonsense, Mr. Chen. You’d better hurry over. Later, the beauty of the Wu family will also have a celebration dinner."
A windfall is not rich.
The horse thieves robbed the goods of the Wu family and made a windfall, which was a heavy loss for the Wu family, but it was a happy event for the horse thieves.
To make matters worse, they tied up the beauty Wu Tingfang.
As the saying goes, people are happy when they are happy.
Ah Liu’s face has always been red, but they all don’t know that the flank will die soon.
Know that in a sense, tasting is not a kind of happiness
Chen Yanxiao said, "You go first, we will come soon."
Six o nodded. "Well, Mr. Chen, you must hurry up."
After Liu left,
Yuan Zong just said, "The horse thief must be uneasy and kind to invite us to dinner."
Chen Yan can guess what the horse thief wants to do. He said, "They want to test me, the first strong man in Zhao. If I can subdue them, we will be Ann. If I am the first strong man in Zhao, I won’t be able to fight a fight."
Yuan Zong said anxiously, "Brother Chen, are you sure?"
Yuan Zong is a master of kendo, and his martial arts and swordsmanship are stronger than Yanping’s. Unfortunately, he is lucky to be alive after being seriously injured and poisoned.
Now Yuan Zong can’t even beat a strong man.
Ulrich is inscrutable, but his injury is heavier than Yuan Zong’s and his poisoning is deeper than Yuan Zong’s. Even if he is in a high mood, how much fighting power can he have?
It’s a little lethal for a good and gentle swordsman to fly a sword, but her sword wound is equally worrying. If you shoot again, the wound will definitely crack and you’ll be in trouble.
Xiang Shaolong knows some fighting skills. Is he a master? His fighting power comes from that pistol with five bullets.
Four people are trapped in a den of thieves. Yuan Zong is really worried
Chen Yanxiao said, "I can’t fight with people, but it’s no problem to shine."
Yuan Zong said, "That’s good, but Chen Xiong, you should be careful."
Wu Tingfang was brought out after the celebration dinner. She was covered with hair, pale and frightened in her eyes.
Horse head to Chen Yanjing drank a glass of wine and laughed. "Mr. Chen, you are the first strong man in Zhao, can you shine?" Let’s have a look. Let’s see the first strong demeanor of Zhao. If Mr. Chen is willing to show a martial arts beauty, it is you, otherwise she will be sent to my room tonight. "
Chen Yanxiao said, "This beauty is Miss Wujiabao? Aren’t you afraid of Wu’s revenge? If the Wu caravan is robbed, it will be robbed, but if it hurts the daughter of the Wubao master, it will be in great trouble. "
Six o said, "What are we afraid of? After this, we will leave Zhao … "
Before he finished his words, the horse thief shouted, "Shut up, Six."
Six o was startled and suddenly kept silent. He saw the murderous look in his eyes.
Of course, Wu Tingfang has heard of Chen Yan’s name.
Her heart is in despair, and the strongest in Zhao is mixed with horse thieves. Where can there be any hope for her life?
Chen Yan drank a glass of wine and got up and said, "If I don’t shine today, I can’t even say it."
Good soft hesitated to return the flying sword in his hand to Yan Yan.
Arihiko shook his head and walked into the middle of the hall without a sword.
"Sword and eye, we’d better stop with our bare hands." Arihiko looked around and pointed to the horse thieves and said, "You are all together."
The horse thief laughed. "Mr. Chen is really courageous and has the style of the first strong man in Zhao, so we can be welcome, brothers!"
Six o took the horse thief department in the hall and rushed to Ulrich.
Xiang Shaolong anxiously asked, "Can Mr. Chen, a good and gentle girl from Yuan Zong, cope with her serious injury?"
Shan Rou shook the hilt, and when Chen Yanyou was in danger, she would make moves.
Yuan Zong’s expression is relatively calm and said, "I believe that Chen Xiong has a coping style, otherwise he won’t be so confident. We will just watch."
It’s not impossible to defeat these horse thieves without killing Chen Yan.
Chen Yan decided that Tai Ji Chuan should meet the enemy.
Tai Ji Chuan is a passive fist to defend the enemy and can defeat the opponent with the least strength.
When the first horse thief rushed to the front and punched Chen Yan
Sun Yan gently patted the biceps brachii of the horse thief’s arm to make him feel weak, and then conveniently threw the horse thief’s body into the middle and flew several meters away with strong inertia.
The horse thief fell to the ground and was stunned.
Chen Yanwan took advantage of the trend and used the power of the horse thief. He himself made little effort to leverage the principle to throw the horse thief out.
But others don’t know. They all think Chen Yan’s martial arts are amazing.
Xiang Shaolong was shocked. "Is it really Tai Ji Chuan?"
Then, if the horse thieves were thrown out when they attacked Yan Yan crazily, those who attacked the horse thieves tentatively would be fine. After all, Yan Yan borrowed their strength.
Of course, if you are weak, you will be fine. If you are strong, you will fall harder.
Chen Yan’s body and physical strength are much better than when he played Yanping, and he is different from ordinary people.
Chen Yan’s toxin is excreted every day, and his body also recovers and becomes stronger every day.
The realm of harmony between man and nature has enabled Chen Yan to reach the pinnacle of environmental transportation and control. The siege of hundreds of horse thieves just did not touch Chen Yan’s skirts
Another horse thief was thrown and knocked unconscious.

Chapter one thousand seven hundred and thirty Protoss invasion

Su Mo and Long Huang ran all the way towards the ghost witch emperor and the shadow emperor to kill the past.
The two emperors of the Ghost Witch originally galloped in one direction, but when they fled to the northern border, the two emperors split into two directions and fled separately!
The ghost witch emperor’s eyes flashed with malice and madness and galloped all the way towards Zhongzhou witch habitat.
At the same time, the ghost witch emperor pulled out a symbol from the bag and tore it directly!
It’s done. He has no choice.
We must inform the witch family to prepare to sacrifice the last card of the witch family!
And the shadow emperor did not flee to his ancestral land.
He hesitated a little, but turned around and ran away towards the Kunlun market in the west!
Shadow Emperor’s idea is simple.
If he fled to the ancestral land, he will inevitably lead the wild arms to those Luo Cha families who will keep their ancestors then!
And he chose to flee to Kunlun market to fight for his life with wild weapons!
There is an avatar forbidden zone in Kunlun market. If you die, you will die together!
Su Mo saw that the ghost witch emperor and the shadow emperor were divided into two directions. He hesitated a little and decided to let Long Huang go after the ghost witch emperor.
The direction of the ghost witch emperor is obviously the ancestral land of the witch family.
The ghost witch emperor returned to his ancestral land and didn’t know what else to do and kill him.
Wuzu specializes in Yuanshen.
However, the dragon and phoenix have a blazing ball of light to protect the witch clan, and it is difficult to do any harm to the dragon and phoenix!
Violet is relatively weak in this respect.
On the other hand, the two identities are also divided into their own pursuit of the ghost witch emperor and the shadow emperor
Su Mo releases all the mysterious methods of escaping, flying behind him, taking a long walk, and the explosion speed of the golden wind and thunder temple reaches its extreme, and the whole person becomes an inch of instant Wan Li!
But even so, he managed to shorten the distance between the emperor and the shadow.
There is a violent vibration in the extreme west!
The whole Kunlun Ruins generate has a series of blazing golden lights that seem to break the sky!
This force fluctuated more and more violently and spread to the whole wild continent, four domains, three seas and one continent, all of which were induced!
The three oceans set off heavy waves!
Killing and fighting in the northern border, all kinds of creatures are also surprised and indecisive.
There are some strong protoss looking thoughtfully at the golden light in the far west.
Some protoss emperors seem to have thought of something, and their eyes are full of excitement!
Su Mo stopped and looked at the extreme west and looked dignified.
There was an accident!
If what he expected is good, the movement from the west should come from that colorful cave!
Protoss invasion!
I didn’t expect the protoss to invade the wild mainland with this critical head!
Normally, the Kunlun market has an avatar forbidden area, even if the protoss invades the most, that is, it is a threat to Sumo today.

Caratu "…"

Chapter 92 Edge in this mountain
One word
I don’t know the true face of Lushan Mountain.
The success of the protoss is also due to the love and failure of the cosmic source.
What is the cosmic source?
If the universe is compared to a program, then the source of the universe is the core code of the program. It is okay to say that he is unconscious, but it is also right to say that he is conscious.
Cosmic Source fell asleep after getting rid of Nemesis, so he is now in a state of consciousness.
There is a unique planet in every universe.
This is the earth.
Otherwise, there are so many species living in a broken ball, why not explode?
What didn’t the universe notice?
This is also a good question.
It has been said before that the earth is in the backcountry of the universe. As the saying goes, birds don’t shit when they fly over.
At least before today, not many cosmic creatures paid much attention to this remote and broken ball, especially this ball is still in the nine realms of Odin Shenting.
So what day did the protoss not pay attention?
The cosmic source is the key. Generally speaking, it is because the earth is influenced by the cosmic source consciousness that it is also noticed by the celestial protoss law, and what is it called? Because of the repulsion of the same kind, the protoss will unconsciously filter to this planet
This is also the main reason why the God of Mao Language has not deduced a hair for thousands of years.
Mark stopped at the door of the Chinese restaurant.
After a while
Mark turned to Caratu, the judge, and said, "By the way, your dog is very naughty. There’s no reason for you to stop the underworld from destroying them. It’s better to go back to the underworld, don’t you think?"
Caratu expression finally had a change.
Mark laughed. "It’s a pity that you showed up in 423. The universe is busy observing whether that person has the ability to overthrow the underworld. Do you dare to come back now?"
Mark glanced at Caratu’s face expression and directly asked himself and shook his head. "No, you can’t choose between Hyperion and the pioneers, but look at the expression. You have already made a decision. Hyperion is obviously more valuable than the pioneers, but you protoss seem to have forgotten one thing. I am a high god. What is the eternal remnant of the universe? A god? No, even a god doesn’t rely on such a thing. You want me to overthrow me in the underworld? You protoss is more live more down in the past. "
Mark finished with a sarcastic expression on his face.
Don’t say you’re not a god. Even if you are a god, there are hundreds of different ways to rub and abuse each other during Max’s reign.
A mere god is not a remnant?
I just think too much.
Just then.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Debbie looked at the flashing alarm and tried to come this way. Groups of police cars and armored vehicles
"Boss" Debbie looks at Mark.
Mark smiled and looked behind Caratu and said, "Someone has come to see you. I hope you are worried here. Oh, by the way, judge, the gods didn’t judge that the planet was going to be destroyed, so you can’t go back."
Caratu didn’t speak but quietly looked out of the window.
One second
The gate of the Chinese restaurant was hit, and two rows of soldiers and deputy armed men filed in.
Ross came in with a smile on his face.

Huashan Xiaohe Bieyuan

When Sun Zhongshou heard that Yan Li and Liu Fangliang were coming, he said, "I didn’t expect these two to come. I’d better meet them myself. I can’t lose our’ Shan Zong’ statecraft."
Sun Zhongshou and Darren E. Scott and others set up the "Shan Zong" in order to avenge Yuan Chonghuan’s wrongs, but the actual leaders were Sun Zhongshou and Darren E. Scott in Shan Zong and Yuan Chengzhi.
Sun Zhongshou asked Wang Yue after leaving Yuan Chengzhi, "Uncle Wang, Yan Li and Liu Fangliang are really so good?"
Although Yuan Chengzhi’s martial arts are high, his vision is not high. He is a little nervous when he hears Yan Li and Liu Fangliang’s position. After all, they are senior officials in the army of King Chuang, and they are even more popular in front of King Chuang Li Zicheng.
Wang Yue took a look at Yuan Chengzhi and took a sip of tea. In his heart, he still had a high skill in making tea. He felt that making tea by himself didn’t taste right.
"What’s so great about it?" Wang Yue smiled. "Yan Li still has a little culture. He is a scholar. I am not very clear about Liu Fangliang. Chengzhi, Yan Li and Liu Fangliang should come here this time to find you. You should take the initiative not to be sold and help the people."
Yuan Chengzhi is the younger generation of Wang Yue, and Yuan Chonghuan has saved Wang Yue’s life. Wang Yue feels that he should wake up at this time.
Sun Zhong Shou came in with two young people.
Wang Yue, the young man in the robe of the scribes, guessed that it should be Yan Li and the other one was Liu Fangliang.
"young master"
Sun Zhongshou said, "These two are Yan Li’s strategist and General Liu Fangliang, and this is our young master Yuan Chengzhi."
Yan Li and Liu Fangliang fuels.
"Yan Li met Shan Zong Shaozhu"
"Liu Fangliang met Shan Zong Shaozhu"
Yuan Chengzhi also said happily, "Yuan Chengzhi has seen Li Junshi and General Liu, but Cheng Zhi admires them."
Wang Yue shook his head secretly. Yuan Chengzhi is still too immature. Just now, I told him that Yan Li and Liu Fangliang are nothing, but now I am still so excited to see these two people.
Darren E. Scott asked, "I don’t know if you two have any insights this time."
Yan Li fuels, saying, "Did you dare to know for a long time that the seclusion and cultivation of Huashan, the young master of Shan Zong, was caused by Master Mu’s refusal to let us bother you?"
Yuan Chengzhi laughed. "It’s very kind of you, Li Junshi."
Yan Li took out a pair of couplets and said, "You laughed at the rough writing and ink."
Playing couplets, Yan Li read, "Huanglong has not smashed Wu Mu, and Han Zuo is waiting for Zhuge Xing to fall."
Wang Yue secretly nodded not to say that couplet is a good word. This Yan Li is not the kui who has won a jury, and he is also very good at flattering. No wonder he can get along well in the Li Zicheng army
Sure enough, Yuan Chengzhi and others were very excited to see this couplet.
Sun Zhongshou said happily, "Well, this is to compare our DuShi to Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang."
Yan Li laughed. "Yuan Dushi is the most admired person. He can compete with Mu Zhuge, but the treacherous court official of the bad king Wu was in power. This made Yuan Dushi wronged and killed Emperor Chongzhen. This is a self-destruction of the Great Wall. I have always wanted to go to Yuan Dushi’s grave to worship, but I failed to do so. I wrote this couplet and gave it to the young master. It is also a long-cherished wish."
Yuan Chengzhi took the elegiac couplet and thanked him, "Li Junshi, you are really my father’s bosom friend."
Wang Yue sighed and said, "Okay, okay, let’s get down to business. Don’t be so sour. It’s all nonsense."
In the clause, Wang Yue was sitting alone, but everyone else got up to meet Yan Li and Liu Fangliang.
Yan Li now noticed Wang Yue sitting behind Yuan Chengzhi.
"I wonder who this is?" Yan Li doubt way
Yuan Chengzhi laughed. "Oh, this is my uncle Wang Yue."
Yan Li and Liu Fangliang exclaimed "Ah".
This young man is the king who wants to recruit "imperial doctors"?
Wang Yue’s reputation as an "imperial doctor" shocked the world, but not many people have seen Wang Yue. It is easy for Wang Yue to go out to treat those landlords and rich people.
The average person’s consciousness is that the imperial doctors are all sage like type and white-haired. Wang Yue, a teenager, and the "imperial doctor" are too out of touch.
Now Yan Li and Liu Fangliang saw Wang Yue’s natural surprise ratio.
"seen the imperial doctor"
Yan Li and Liu Fangliang quickly salute fuels.
Wang Yue waved his hand and said, "Don’t bother offering imperial doctors? You flatter me too much. I just know some medical skills. Hehe, sit down and don’t do it. "
Although Wang Yue is an "imperial doctor", he still knows how to be modest.
Everyone sat down and Yan Li said, "You should know that the army of King Chuang is now defeated by the army in Shaanxi area, and tens of thousands of them will be wiped out cleanly. King Chuang will soon head east for the capital. Wouldn’t it be even more powerful if you could get help from Shan Zong? You can’t worry about big things. "
Yan Li also said to Wang Yue, "I hope that the imperial doctor can go to Shaanxi to treat the king and the army. Yan Li is grateful."
When Yuan Chengzhi heard that King Chuang was injured, he was anxious and said, "Uncle Wang, you promised."
"Huh?" Wang Yue stared at Yuan Chengzhi.
"Li Junshi, I Wang Yue, who is not from Shan Zong, is not qualified to ask you." Wang Yue looked at Yan Li and said faintly, "But after all, my Wang Yue’s life was saved by Inspector Yuan, and now I am an uncle in Yuan Chengzhi. Can I ask you a few questions?"
Yan Li nods "imperial doctor, please".
Wang Yue asked with a smile, "Shan Zong can help King Chuang take the capital, and when the time comes, you will be God. When you go overseas, Jin Dalai will look after the Central Plains, and you will be like the enemy?"
"Rebellion throughout the ages is all in the name of saving the people from heaven and saving the people from heaven. So is Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. So is the opening angle."